Tech Sprint

Transforming Forbes: doubling page views with personalized content

Achieving remarkable results in just 3 months! With our guidance, Forbes implemented personalized content, doubling engagement. We designed the concept and set the direction for their digital transformation.

2 months
to deliver an AI concept
upskilling in AI technologies

Forbes, a prominent business magazine in Central Eastern Europe, aimed to enhance its website by implementing personalized content based on readers' consumption data. The objective was to double page views and engage readers more effectively. Additionally, the client desired to provide journalists with an authoring surface that would offer insights based on content consumption data.

Client Challenge

Forbes faced several challenges in achieving their goals. They lacked expertise in website personalization and were uncertain about the appropriate technology to support their objectives. The project had strict time and budget constraints, and the client required a detailed specification for development.


To address the client's challenges, our team devised a comprehensive solution. We developed a personalized content concept along with site and journey designs. We conducted an assessment of various technical options and selected an architecture that aligned with the client's requirements. Additionally, we formulated personalization logic encompassing data models and flows, and provided a detailed specification for development. Finally, we created an impact map to demonstrate the potential business outcomes.

Understanding Ambitions and Requirements: We worked closely with Forbes to gain a comprehensive understanding of their ambitions and requirements for the digital transformation project.

Discovering the Current Tech Landscape and Capabilities: Our team conducted a thorough analysis of Forbes' existing technological landscape and assessed the capabilities required for successful implementation.

Defining Feasible Solutions: Based on the available time and budget, we identified the feasible options and outlined a roadmap for the project.

Designing the New Experience: We designed a user-centric experience that leveraged the defined technological capabilities to deliver personalized content and authoring insights for journalists.

Providing a Measurement Framework: We established a measurement framework to track the results of the implemented solution and ensure its alignment with Forbes' goals.


The implemented solution yielded significant results within a short timeframe of three months. The website now offers personalized content tailored to readers' interest areas, resulting in increased engagement and page views. Forbes successfully achieved their business objectives through the implementation of this digital transformation project.Further Inputs: Trigger Event: "We want to implement AI within 2 months." Ambiguous Plans on Impact: Forbes expressed a desire to double page views but lacked a clear plan to achieve this goal.


Through this digital transformation project, we realized the significance of taking even the initial steps towards personalization. By carefully understanding the client's requirements, assessing the existing landscape, and designing a feasible solution, we were able to achieve remarkable results within a short timeframe. This experience taught us the value of setting clear objectives and implementing measurement frameworks to track progress effectively.

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