
From level 1 to level 10: implementing data management framework in the Saudi Arabian financial sector

We recently worked with a medium-sized Saudi Arabian bank in implementing a comprehensive data management framework to meet newly established regulations. With the help of our team's expertise in the Data Management Body of Knowledge and a focus on regulatory compliance, we were able to pave the way for organizational change and create a business-focused data strategy. Read more about our case story and how we turned data management into a competitive advantage for our client!

3,5 months
to deliver a framework

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has launched its Vision 2030 strategy to advance digital transformation within the country. An essential aspect of this initiative is organized data management, which requires a standardized environment. To achieve this goal, Saudi Arabia has adopted an international framework for data management and turned it into regulations that all state-owned companies must adhere to. The chosen framework is DAMA International’s Data Management Body of Knowledge, and our company's experts happen to be founding members of DAMA Hungary. Therefore, we were ideally positioned to provide management consulting services in this project.

The challenge

Through one of our international partners, we were approached to assist a medium-sized Saudi bank in creating and implementing a data management framework along the abovementioned lines. This involved developing concepts, providing training, and paving the way for organizational change, all of which had to be done remotely. Given the strict and complex new guidelines that needed to be followed, the project required the processes, procedures and policies to be formulated in one go, like taking a big leap from Level 1 to Level 10. Our primary focus was on applying the best data management practices while ensuring full compliance with regulatory requirements. Meanwhile, the client's main challenge was understanding how to apply data management regulatory requirements in practice.


What we did:

  1. Assessed the current practices and operation of the client in order to create a strategy
  2. Leveraging on our expertise, developed internal policies and translated guidelines into programs to be realized in practice
  3. Identified roles and responsibilities, prepared training for relevant colleagues, and planned implementation programs

Delivered impact:

We concluded this 3.5 month project by defining all the necessary details and specifics of the data asset management practice, ensuring that they could be effectively implemented and utilized in practice. Since the transformation of data management is required anyway, why not turn it into a competitive advantage? This approach led to the creation of a transparent and business-focused data strategy that delivers numerous benefits, such as reducing operational risks, avoiding regulatory fines, minimizing reputation disruption, and enabling owners and management to make timely and confident decisions about lending strategies based on high-quality data. 

3 important things to keep in mind that came handy during this project

  1. Organizational collaboration and active involvement by all parties are prerequisites for effective work
  2. A regulatory compliance of this magnitude has the potential to galvanize the entire organization
  3. Navigating any cultural or social differences that may arise when working with parties from diverse corners of the world is crucial for a smooth and successful collaboration

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